50 Things Your Child Needs to Know Before Kindergarten

It's that time of year. A new group of children are entering their schooling years, whether going to school away from home, or staying home to homeschool, here is what your child needs to know to be ready. 

I readily admit that there are probably things missing from this list, but I had to stop somewhere.

I truly believe, with all that I am, that these are the things your young kids should know as early as possible.


1. That she is loved, unconditionally, no matter what.

2. How sand feels between your toes.

3. How to blow a dandelion fluff.

Photo Credit Crystal dever

4. How to enjoy a sunset.

5. That books are fun.

6. How to go on a nature walk.

7. That her questions are important to you.

8. How to watch ants.

I've made a FREE printable PDF for you of this list, click here to get your hands on it.

9. That you always have time for him.

10. Where food comes from.

Photo Credit Crystal Dever

11. How to play in the mud.

12. That accidents happen.

13. That there are real heroes.

14. How to jump in puddles.

Photo Credit Daiga Elleby

15. How to love her family.

16. How to run through a sprinkler.

Photo Credit Mi Pham

17. How to have a picnic.

18. What rain tastes like.

19. How to look at something very closely.

20. What it's like to have dessert for dinner.

21. That there are shapes and patterns in nature.

22. How to watch a lightning storm.

23. The difference between right and wrong.

24. How to be kind to animals.

25. How to be a happy helper.

Photo Credit Annalise Jones

26. How to tell the truth.

27. That anyone can change the world for the better.

28. That mistakes mean progress.

29. How to go barefoot.

30. That forgiveness is wonderful.

31. That grown-ups say "I'm sorry".

32. That it is okay to cry.

Photo Credit Jordan Whitt

33. How to apologize.

34. How to be brave.

35. How to be kind.

36. That she is strong.

Photo Credit Olisia Yeend

37. That he is capable.

38. How to be curious.

39. That laughter is great medicine.

I've made a FREE printable PDF for you of this list, click here to get your hands on it.

40. How to forgive.

41. That work is worthwhile.

Photo Credit Crystal Dever

42. That he has genius inside.

43. That God has a plan for her.

44. That the right thing is often the hard thing.

45. That play is worthwhile.

Photo Credit Mi Pham

46. That you always have time for him.

47. That there are numbers in nature.

48. That there are good choices and bad choices.

49. That family matters.

Photo Credit Kazuend

50. That he is loved, unconditionally, no matter what (yes, that is a repeat of #1, but it bears repeating).

I readily admit that there are probably things missing from this list, but I had to stop somewhere.

I truly believe, with all that I am, that these are the things your young kids should know as early as possible.

Don't miss the FREE printable PDF of this list, click here to get your hands on it.

Letters, numbers, colors, and all the rest come so very easily to kids when they are just a little bit older, there is no need to rush into academics.

Sadly, most education systems, whether outside or inside the home, skip over so many of the things on this list in favor of early academics. That is such a shame. Children who are given the time and attention to build strong curiosity and character make much better adults than those for whom character training is truncated in favor of learning to read a year earlier, and all those early requirements can really stunt their curiosity. Once a child has grown into an adult it will never matter how old they were when they learned to read, the world needs more people with curiosity and strong character, not early academics.

Have something to add to this list? I'd love to hear it, so post it in a comment below.

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  • Am crying as I read through this today, because I believe this, too, and I am totally failing at it. Feeling pretty hopeless and pretty sure that I am messing up my kids for life. Thanks for listening and reminding me of what I’m trying to do with these previous years.

    Sarah Rose

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